When he starts kindergarten? Too late for my taste. I'm just back from a melee with that big head of my son. Purpose: To persuade him to sleep in his bed. Of course I do not want a scene like this: "Son, go to sleep that is now!" and son, spontaneously , lies down in her bed.
We are light years away from this result.
enough that I read two stories (for a total of 40 pages) and 2 Margaret (of Cocciante) and 3 Great Great Great (Mina) sung a cappella (hence the double meaning is required), shut his eyes. Of course not! I already said long ago failure the elf , the situation in these six months has not changed. Indeed. Worsening day by day in direct proportion to his ability to reason. The latest excuse is that he found: - If I sleep, do not see you! -
Remove this axiom, you realize it yourself, it is impossible, as I had no ability to look at my son while his eyes are closed or do sleep with their eyes open.
What will our heroes? Just wait for the next episode!
Serves 4-5 hungry people:
1 kg of beans pint ( so called in Puglia, in Bari )
tomato sauce 2 to 3 tablespoons of pesto alla Genovese
Remove the ends and wash the beans. Boil in salted water and add half-cooked spaghetti. Separately in a frying pan and stir the tomato sauce and reheat for a few minutes. When the dough has reached the area, along with green beans, drain and season it with the sauce.
Source: my
Notes and Tips:
We are light years away from this result.
enough that I read two stories (for a total of 40 pages) and 2 Margaret (of Cocciante) and 3 Great Great Great (Mina) sung a cappella (hence the double meaning is required), shut his eyes. Of course not! I already said long ago failure the elf , the situation in these six months has not changed. Indeed. Worsening day by day in direct proportion to his ability to reason. The latest excuse is that he found: - If I sleep, do not see you! -
Remove this axiom, you realize it yourself, it is impossible, as I had no ability to look at my son while his eyes are closed or do sleep with their eyes open.
What will our heroes? Just wait for the next episode!
Serves 4-5 hungry people:
1 kg of beans pint ( so called in Puglia, in Bari )
tomato sauce 2 to 3 tablespoons of pesto alla Genovese
Remove the ends and wash the beans. Boil in salted water and add half-cooked spaghetti. Separately in a frying pan and stir the tomato sauce and reheat for a few minutes. When the dough has reached the area, along with green beans, drain and season it with the sauce.
Source: my
Notes and Tips:
This type of beans is less common and more expensive than regular beans, but very better and, more importantly, without wires. The names of these beans are: snake, in meters, American, strings etc.. If I understand it, reading here and there, the length varies widely: those Puglia are around 12 cm. -
Normally, in my house, spaghetti with green beans are seasoned with a sauce of fresh tomato, garlic and basil and plenty of grated hard cheese.
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