They told me that with my new cut, I remember a Skinhead. Ovviemente is not true because I left my hair too long above, only in the sense that mel'hanno a bit 'contemptuous, horrified! Indeed, the chain of mind that the word triggers Skinhead is intimately linked to boys idiots, racists, neo-Nazis, sexist. I did some 'research and discovered that the subculture Skin suggests, often the exact opposite, namely that the working class English boys rise to the "style" its own characteristics: short hair (originally for reasons of hygiene at work), faded jeans, boots feet and so on. Only a small part of the movement, over time, she identified with Nazism (as some are openly gay and another horrible part reconciles the irreconcilable: they are called "Gay Aryan Skin Head" and neo-Nazis are gay). Having said that many Skinhead fight against social injustice and fight racism, but the media should do with all the brush. Beam a note. of combat.

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