Baked whole |
slice of pie right |
Ingredients for a mold for plum-cake (about 12 slices like the one in photo):
250 grams of grated parmesan cheese seasoned 24 months
5 eggs
150 g cheese
70 ml of fresh milk
a knob of butter salt and pepper for garnish
tomatoes and balsamic vinegar of Modena
steadfast Whip the egg whites with a pinch of salt. Preheat oven to 150 degrees and prepare a water bath capable enough to hold the mold in which you want to bake the flan. Grease well and flour pan. Stir well to the egg yolks and milk ricotta (you can safely use the mixer), then add the Parmesan cheese and freshly ground white pepper. I do not have salt because the parmesan cheese with the seasoning is very tasty on its own. Stir to homogenize the mixture then add the egg whites, incorporating gently with movements from the bottom up. Pour the mixture into the mold, level with a spatula and cover with aluminum foil. Bake in water bath for about 1 hour, covered at all times. After removing from oven, carefully remove the aluminum and baked on a tray properly. We have enjoyed the warm. You can accompany it with fresh tomatoes to give a note and drops of balsamic vinegar to splash absolutely on the side of the slices over and as I did, seeing the result.
Source: cucinait the forum several years ago, Elena Di Giovanni recipe
Notes and Tips:
- Having time and desire you can cook in small molds reviewing, of course, the cooking time.
- The water bath must be hot but not boiling.
- Regge few days in the refrigerator, warm it before serving, however, at least bringing it to room temperature.
- Decoration and support are desired. I would see it together well in the season with a cream of zucchini or asparagus.
- has a full flavor and delicate at the same time.
- can serve, depending on the portion size, either as starter or main course.
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