Rates Irper
To calculate the tax payable on rent of the property is important to know your income bracket.
Here is a brief summary of the income brackets
23% up to an income of 15,000 €
27% Income from 15,000 to 28,000 €
38% Income from 28,000 to 55,000 €
41% Income from 55,000 to 75,000 €
43% income over € 75,000
If you are in between a band and another, you should know that the exact calculation is as follows
For income 0 to € 15,000 the value of 'gross income tax is 23% of income
For income to 15,000 € 28,000 the value of 'gross income tax amounted to € 3,450 + 27% on amounts exceeding EUR 15,000
For income 28,000 to 55,000 € value of 'gross income tax amounted to € 6,960 + 38% on amounts exceeding € 28,000
For income 55,000 75,000 € to the value of 'gross income tax amounted to € 17,220 + 41% on amounts exceeding EUR 55,000
for incomes over € 75,000 the value of 'gross income tax amounted to 25,420 + 43% on amounts exceeding € 75,000
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